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Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Training – Live Session

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This is a completely In-Person Training. If you have any questions related to the course you can contact us at and we will get to you within as soon as possible.

Whether you are a driver or a supervisor, safety begins with conducting a thorough inspection of the equipment that you will be operating. Regular vehicle inspections assist drivers in identifying hazardous conditions before they result in accidents and collisions, identifying mechanical issues before they cause breakdowns, and avoiding being sidelined during roadside inspections.

This course will educate both drivers and their supervisors on the essential elements of conducting these inspections, the specific areas they should focus on, and help them master the techniques for performing thorough pre-trip, on-the-road, and post-trip inspections.

REGISTRATION: Register and pay here using the sign-up below
WHEN: March 20, 2024
TIME: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
WHERE*: 151 Koser Road Lititz, PA 17543 (*This is a fully in-person course)
COST: $100