Live Webinar Training

For those who need a little more one-on-one attention and the ability to ask questions, we also offer a live webinar training option.

Live Webinar Training Courses

DOT Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Training
(Live Webinar)

This is a Drug and Alcohol Supervisor Training Course required by the DOT for any supervisor that is regulated by the DOT per 49 CFR 382.603.

Non-DOT Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Training
(Live Webinar)

This is a Drug and Alcohol Supervisor Training Course for anyone who are in a position of making "reasonable suspicion" determinations in the workplace.

Webinar Training | Certified Trainings | CNS

Live Web Training

Live web training is convenient and with a little more one-on-one attention if you need it.

Take courses anywhere

You can take your required courses almost anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.


Take courses on your own schedule when it is convenient for you and your team.


Get support from a representative or trainer any time you need it. Our trainers are available for questions.

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